Colleges Offer Veterans-only Courses

Colleges Offer Veterans-only Courses

WASHINGTON – The students in the Saturday morning class trickle in and, as they introduce themselves around a table, reveal far more intimate biographies than just name and hometown. One confesses to demons he struggles to control. Another says he’s here to find...
Military Members Face Student Loan Debt Problems

Military Members Face Student Loan Debt Problems

WASHINGTON — Members of the military are having trouble grappling with the confusing patchwork of student loan benefits they can receive and often end up taking on tens of thousands more dollars in debt than they needed to, says a new government report. The report...

National Military Spouse Network

Is it possible to have it all? Traditionally, the transient Military lifestyle has limited the ability of Military Spouses to create and sustain a career path that meets their deepest goals, talents and aspirations. NMSN believes that by leveraging today’s...
College Admissions Tips for Military Veterans

College Admissions Tips for Military Veterans

By: Tanya Abrams The New York Times   If you’ve served in the Military but have dreams of one day earning your college degree, we’ve gathered some admissions intel that may prove helpful to you. As part of our continuing coverage of the annual meeting of the...

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