Funniest Fitness Memes

Funniest Fitness Memes

I have assembled what is, in my opinion, the funniest fitness memes I could find. Enjoy!   This post was shared by Michael Volkin, inventor of Strength Stack 52 bodyweight fitness cards (currently launching on Kickstarter).

Hectic Health

Welcome to another edition of the Thursday Healthy Living Series. This week, let’s take a look at a few items you may want to consider to stay healthy with a busy lifestyle; and we’re all busy these days. I mean, who isn’t!? Consider adding Apple...
Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight Exercises

I’ll admit it, I am hooked on bodyweight exercises. I have been working out for 2 decades, rotating through dozens of different workout fads; but one aspect to my workout programs that have always been consistent are the use of bodyweight exercises. I never really...

Thigh-Thinner Workout

Check out this great 9 minute workout to thin those thighs and tighten that booty! XHIT Daily makes it easy to stay slim and trip with short and effective workouts. Who can argue with that?! What are some of your favorite workouts/workout...

What’s in Your Food?

Does it strike anyone else as strange that food manufacturers are now advertising “Real Food” ingredients on their products? There are a lot of brands out there using “real sugar,” “real cheese,” “real fruit,” and the...
Real Food…

Real Food…

Do you know the importance of knowing what you are putting in your body? If you watched my video post on real food then you know that it is hard to tell what you are eating and if you are even eating real food if it comes out of a package. You...

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