Ray Higdon is an expert in home business development and network marketing. He gives some great advice about creating a website. So, if you’re feeling entrepreneurial and want to start a small business or an online business, Ray’s got some tips for you:...
Whether you’re looking for seasonal work or opportunities to nurture your career, Intuit offers a range of jobs allowing you to work from home. Check out what they have to offer you at jobs.intuit.com....
Having been through this dilemma of changing careers herself, Dr. Betsey Blakeslee offers advice to MilSpouses trying to pursue a career. She offers two helpful pieces of advice: It is critical that you not focus too hard on career planning. As a military spouse,...
A recent Defense Department report found that military spouses typically experience a 26% unemployment rate, and military wives experience a 25% wage gap when compared to civilians. The Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program was...
Last week, President Obama signed a resolution to restore funding to the military Tuition Assistance (TA) program for active Marines, Army and Air Force service members. Nearly a month ago, when it was announced that the program would no longer be funded by the U.S....
LuSundra Everett is a MilSpouse that works from home full-time. If you’ve had to put your dreams on hold, you’re tired of looking for a job with every move, you want more time and financial freedom or you want a successful portable career, her 5...
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