Feeling good is more than
just a state of mind.
Does it always seem to fall on your shoulders to make sure everyone in your family is doing okay? If you feel overwhelmed, or need a few ideas to make life a little easier, you’re not alone. Take advantage of SpouseLink’s community of MilSpouses who offer a little inspiration and support that can help you make sure your military family — and you — are safe, healthy and happy.
I’ll Be Home for Christmas
Family time during the holidays can be hard on military families. Then again, family traditions can make it all work out in the end. Maggie Phillips shares her story on SpouseLink.
How My Military Family Has Faced Mental Health and Quarantine During COVID
COVID threw everyone for a loop when it first hit — and for several months afterward. Blogger Kristin shares how it affected her and her family’s mental health, on SpouseLink.
Why I Love the Freedom Homeschooling Provides My Military Family
Wondering if you should homeschool your kids? Read one mom’s experience on why it’s best for her military family right now on SpouseLink.
Magical Ways to Explore Your Duty Station During the Holidays
Whether you’re new to your duty station or have been there a while, there’s always something to explore during the holidays. Get Julie Provost’s tips on SpouseLink!
What Afghanistan Vets Need to Know Right Now
Amanda Huffman served in Afghanistan when she was in the service. She looks back on her time there and shares her personal story with SpouseLink.
MilSpouse Story: Jessica Shares Her Favorite Family Vacation Memory
SpouseLink Ambassador Jessica shares a story with us about one of her most memorable military family vacations on SpouseLInk.
Military Retirement: 3 Things to Think About
When you’re heading into retirement and dreaming up your future life, make sure you consider where you’ll really be doing it. Anna gives you tips on SpouseLink.
Merging Soldier Life with a Special Needs Family Member
Having a special needs child in the family truly makes them an exceptional family member when you’re in the military. See how one family handles it with the EFMP, on SpouseLink.
6 Reasons Military Families Need a Dog
Julie Provost’s family is all the better off for one of their best friends, their dog Gwen. Find out why your military needs a dog, too, on SpouseLink.
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