By Julie Provost
Guest Blogger
As military spouses, we want to enjoy where we are currently living, and what better way to do that than to explore your duty station? You want to spend time getting to know your new home, from your installation to the local community. And the holidays can be the best time to do so. There is so much going on.
Go Downtown
Whether you are stationed in Germany or Kentucky, most likely your new city is going to have a downtown area. Some might be better than others, but oftentimes the downtown area is turned into a magical place during the holidays — from decorations in the storefronts to a giant ornament-covered tree in the public square.
Here outside of Fort Campbell, we have a Christmas parade each year. There is also have an ice skating rink to enjoy during the winter months. Check and see what your local community is offering in its downtown area and plan some time to explore.
What Do the Locals Do?
Have you ever spent Christmas Eve on a beach? You might want to try it if you are stationed in a warm-weather state. Grab some sandwiches, and watch the waves as you think about all that snow you won’t have to shovel this year.
Find out what the locals like to do and what new traditions you might want to try. You will learn something new and get to enjoy a different culture and experience — one you might want to take with you as you move to your next duty station.
Go to a Play or Musical
Is a local theater putting on A Christmas Carol? Check and see. That can be a great way to spend some time within the local community during the holiday season. Plays and musicals can put a smile on everyone’s face.

If you or one of your kids gets the opportunity to be in a holiday play or musical, even better. It’s a great way to meet people and enjoy the holiday season together.
Eat Some Food
Holiday treats are the best, and you might discover some new ones in your area. Find some local restaurants and make plans to try them. Going local not only helps your local community but helps you feel more a part of it. Some places could have special holiday feasts or other fun events during the season.
Go See the Lights
Almost every community is going to have a light display of some kind. Here outside of Fort Campbell, you can find the MacGregor Park Riverwalk lined with lights for their annual Christmas on the Cumberland event, or go through a drive-through light display at the fairgrounds. Everyone loves to see lights, and it can be a great way to explore a different part of your local area.

Wherever you go, take advantage of this time of year to explore where you are currently living. You might only be there for a few years. You will want to soak up those memories, and learn something new about the place you temporarily call home.

About Julie Provost
Julie has been a Military Spouse for 15 years, is a freelance writer, and owner of the blog, Soldier’s Wife, Crazy Life. She lives near Fort Campbell with her National Guard husband and three boys. In her free time she loves to read all the books, watch movies, and spend time with family and friends. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.