In Search of Love

In Search of Love

Sex and relationship expert, Dr. Tiffanie Henry knows a thing or two about love. She holds a PhD in Human Sexuality and has an upfront and unconventional approach to love, sex and all sorts of relationship topics. She recently appeared on the TODAY...

Bikini Body Mommy Challenge

This is a super motivating day-by-day video challenge for women everywhere.  Whether you’re a new mom trying to shed that baby weight, or you’ve finally decided that it’s time to take control of your body and get in shape, this 90-day challenge will...
Earth Day 2014

Earth Day 2014

Today marks the 44th anniversary of Earth Day! First celebrated in 1970, the international day of peace, created to honor our planet, came about from millions of people rallying to increase environmental protection and led to a proclamation signed by the United...
NC Runners: Here’s Your Chance to Win!

NC Runners: Here’s Your Chance to Win!

Are you active duty, a Military retiree or a Military dependent? Are you planning to run in an upcoming marathon? If so, we may have half you running outfit covered for that day.  AAFMAA is giving a free Under Armour locker tee shirt to the first 2000 qualified...
Take a Staycation!

Take a Staycation!

Taking a vacation is easier said than done! Accumulating enough vacation time from work, saving enough money, deciding whether or not to take the kids, finding childcare if you decide not to….and the list goes on. If you’re saving up to reach a long-term...

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