Air Force Returns to Normal After Shutdown

Air Force Returns to Normal After Shutdown

By: Staff Sgt. David Salanitri,   Air Force Public Affairs Agency, Operating Location – Pentagon U.S. Air Force WASHINGTON (AFNS) — As a result of the passed continuing resolution legislation, the Air Force is in the process of returning...
Military Spouse eMentor Leadership Program

Military Spouse eMentor Leadership Program

As a resource created to educate and support military spouses, the Military Spouse eMentor Leadership Program is an online program that gives you one-on-one career guidance from general job search advice to support and motivation along the way.  Mentors who have...

Portable Career Perspectives

Niquelle Wright shares Empowered Spouses: “A Team of Warrior’s Wives and Warrior Wives” with us; a resource she has created to help MilSpouses develop or find a PCS-proof career. A web-based career strategy involving marketing, social media,...
Vets Draw on Military Experience

Vets Draw on Military Experience

By: Amy Clarke Burns (The Greenville S.C. News) USA TODAY GREENVILLE, S.C. — After they’ve become Army strong or aimed high or been among the few and the proud, veterans leaving military service often join the ranks of another band of distinguished...
Batten Down the Hatches for Government Shutdown

Batten Down the Hatches for Government Shutdown

MilFams are great at budgeting, couponing and getting creative when there are few financial resources.  The Tuesday rush and Wednesday closures of domestic military commissaries has brought the shutdown to reality for many of these already money-conscious...

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