You don’t have to wait until your child’s birthday to celebrate. Since Labor Day weekend is the symbolic end of summer, as pools close and schools kick into high gear, why not have one more day to celebrate summertime.

Invite your kids’ friends and their parents to join you and your family for a day of grilling, chilling and budget-friendly games. Turn your local park or back yard into a whimsical space to soak up what’s left of late summer.

Prepare an event for just kids, or teams of adults and kids, depending on how adventurous you’re feeling.

Here are 5 ideas to get your Labor Day end of summer shindig fired up, compliments of GroovyKidsParties:

  1. Egg ‘n Spoon Race — All you’ll need are some disposable plastic spoons and a carton of eggs
  2. Donut Eating Game — Grab a dozen donuts and some string
  3. Toilet Roll Game — Have each participant bring a roll
  4. Bobbing for Apples — Apples, water and a baby pool… or individual buckets to reduce the spread of germs
  5. Punch a Piñata — Who says piñatas are just for birthdays?! Let loose and find an outrageous, over-the-top, dangling container of goodies that kids and adults will both have a blast destroying!

Got any other tried-and-true ideas? Let us know in the comments below.

Savor the Last Moments of Summer

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