Don’t shoot the messenger, but summer is almost over. If your end-of-summer blues hasn’t set in yet, then we envy you. Fourth of July fireworks seem so far out of reach now. And before we know it, we’ll be bundling up in scarves and wool hats. *Sigh.* But these next few weeks don’t have to be full of doom and gloom. We’ve got some tips for how to you end summer on a positive note.
1. Re-frame the Ending
It’s not the end of summer… it’s the start of fall. It may seem like a simple and trivial change, but re-framing your circumstances can often turn a bleak situation into an exciting opportunity.

Fall means Halloween and Thanksgiving, sweater weather, and warm, cozy blankets. Think of all the good things to come instead of dwelling on the good things that already came and went.
2. Think Ahead
Dreading the colder months? Always find yourself miserable by mid-December? Well WHY is that? Try and think about the things you really dislike about the coming months and make a plan on how to beat them. Hate the cold? Get yourself a nice, new jacket that will make you excited to step out in the snow. Or compile a list of books, movies, and TV shows you want to catch up on when you’re snowed in.
3. Make New Plans
If you don’t have anything to look forward to, then give yourself something to look forward to! Make sure that you break up the winter doldrums by taking control and planning a little getaway.

They say that sometimes the anticipation that comes from planning a trip can make people happier than the trips themselves. Whether it’s simply a daytrip or week-long excursion, give yourself a vacation. You deserve it!
4. Revisit the Good Times
Maybe you can’t hit the beach or spend a day at the pool in November, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had as the year winds down. Bust out the old pictures and reminisce over fun falls from the past.

After a few minutes you’ll have forgotten all about sunny days and will be counting down the days until pumpkin patches and apple orchards are open for the season.
5. Don’t Give Up
Have a few things on your 2018 summer to-do list that you haven’t gotten to yet? There’s still time! Make a point of jamming as much summer fun into these last couple of weeks that you can. Mark the end of the season with a family BBQ blowout, or clear your schedule for one last loooooong pool day.
6. Lean Into It
Is it really that bad to be feeling some end-of-summer blues? Lean into your angst!

Scream at the first sign of an autumn chill. Scoff at the first commercial for pumpkin-spice everything. It’s OK to let summer know how much you’ll miss it. We like to think it’ll miss us, too.