Money-Saving Tips for the Holidays

Money-Saving Tips for the Holidays

Think about last year during the holiday season. When did you spend the most amount of money? I bet it was the last two weeks before Christmas day. People often spend more money when they do not have a plan or when they wait to the last minute. Here are some money...
Good-Bye to That Summertime Finance Sadness!

Good-Bye to That Summertime Finance Sadness!

Updated June 29, 2021 As you reflect on your summer, know that it’s common if your bank account balance is a little too low for comfort. No one wants to stay indoors, and unfortunately, beach vacations and warm weather activities can get expensive. Now is about that...
DIY: Stain Remover for Back to School

DIY: Stain Remover for Back to School

When your children return to school, they usually return home with clothes full of random stains. Keeping the just purchased back to school wardrobe last through the fall season can sometimes be hard. Here is a great stain remover that you can make at home to make...
Protect your kids from the everyday

Protect your kids from the everyday

As a parent, making sure your kids are safe and secure is probably your biggest priority. Putting vegetables in their bellies and getting them to school on time are daily to-dos that will help them grow into successful, happy and healthy adults. Well, what if you...

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