Military Spouse, Kaleah Williams, is in her “dream role” today because of a mentoring connection she formed through eMentor. Soon after Kaleah relocated due to her spouse’s military transfer, she found herself without a job and lacking a career network in her new...
It can be tough to juggle your schedule with your service member and the kids, along with the other things going on in your life. That’s why it’s such an asset to be able to land a job that allows flexible roles or work from home opportunities. In a study...
Amy Cuddy shares a very interesting and important topic in her TED talk on body language. When we think of non-verbal behavior, we think of interaction. Body language communicates a message to those around you. It affects personal judgment. And, in your personal and...
Transitioning from a military lifestyle to a civilian one can feel alien; literally reverse culture shock in many cases. You’ve spent the last several (or more) years integrating into the military way of life, supporting your service member in that life. And...
We all know, and many of us have experienced first hand, how tough the job market can be for Military Spouses. That being the case, Military Spouse Advocacy Network (MSAN) recently shared a very interesting first hand story about one such job market challenge. A...
Be creative The possibilities are endless when it comes to developing your portable career. It’s untraditional. It’s versatile. There are so many ways to utilize your skills. If you’re a fan of a more traditional career – living the MilSpouse...
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