Today I wanted to talk about my favorite food, and why it’s my favorite! Sushi can help you reach or maintain your health and fitness goals, and has many overall benefits.  Here are a few examples:
  • Although it’s low in calories, it tends to fill me up.
  • It’s also full of protein that can help you achieve that toned body everyone wants!
  • Whole food ingredients are obviously much healthier than processed foods.
  • It’s naturally gluten-free and there’s so many varieties out there, there’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Even if you’re choosy, you can definitely enjoy sushi!  

About Amber

Amber Turner is an entrepreneur, military spouse and mother of two. Her blog is, which addresses health, fitness and wellness issues women have and face.  She also created for military spouses seeking employment.  MilSpouse Minute is a blog platform giving military spouses a voice and visibility by using video, when it comes to the job seeking process.  

Keep up with Amber on social media

YouTube: Pinterest: Twitter: @hippyfitmom Instagram: Facebook:   The thoughts and opinions posted here are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of AAFMAA.

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