Updated May 23, 2022
Spouses of military personnel face a great many challenges, and Army Wives are no exception. That said, being an Army spouse and having a military family can be so fulfilling and meaningful.
There are a lot of benefits of being an Army Wife if you’re willing to look for them. From deployments to handling huge moves to enduring nights in the field and hardship tours, Army spouses put up with a lot.
While no one ever suggested that Army life would be easy, Army Wives deserve a great deal of recognition and appreciation for their dedication. That’s why we’ve put together this list of some Army Wife benefits:
- Healthcare Benefits
- Travel Benefits
- Free Education Benefits
- Military Discounts
- Housing Benefits
- Marriage Counseling and Family Support
- Career Support
- Community Support
- Easy to Make Friends
- You Can Stand Beside Your Hero
1. Healthcare Benefits
Members of the United States Army and their spouses are eligible for the TRICARE coverage program. Healthcare services are available to them for little to no cost with services including vaccinations, physicals, dental care, prenatal care, medical screenings, and more. Not only that, but this health care extends to children of military personnel and their spouses as well.
Too many people suffer physical pain and illness instead of going to the doctor because they either can’t afford the bill or don’t have insurance. As an Army wife, you won’t have to live with that fear.
2. Travel Benefits
As an Army spouse, you have the freedom to travel on military aircraft for free along with your spouse, as long as there is some additional space.

Your soldier will obviously need a written pass stating he is on leave, but this benefit is a great way to make the most of vacation time.
3. Free Education Benefits
Depending on the rank of your servicemember, as an Army spouse, you could qualify for a Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) as well as the G.I. Bill if your spouse isn’t planning on using it.
Both of these can be used to further your education, though there are a few timing restrictions to be aware of. Contact your local Fleet & Family Service Center to figure out the requirements for your own free education.
4. Military Discounts
The number of military discounts available to you is innumerable. Stores, restaurants, entertainment centers, hotels, and even a lot of travel options show their appreciation to the military and their families with discounts.
Never be shy about asking for this type of discount before you check out — it’s designed for you and your family!
5. Housing Benefits
As an Army spouse, you have the option of free housing on base. While not every Army family chooses to live on base, it’s still amazing to have that option. If a military base doesn’t offer housing, then members of the United States Army and their families are offered a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) to help pay for their family to live elsewhere. The amount of BAH pay is dependent on location, pay grade, and dependency status.
6. Marriage Counseling and Family Support
The Military and Family Life Counseling Program is prepared to offer individual and marriage counseling to members of the United States Army without anything ever going on your record.
During sessions, no notes are taken in order to protect you and/or your spouse, and counselors are also able to meet for sessions at an off-base location if preferred.
7. Career Support
A lot of military spouses work in some capacity, and if you happen to be a military wife, then you can take advantage of the career support available to you. Not only are there endless scholarships and grant opportunities for you as a military wife, but if you’re hoping to find a better job or get promoted in your current career, you can find advice and help as a military wife.
As an Army Wife, it can be helpful to find a career that can move with you as your spouse’s deployment needs change. There are many benefits available from the army to help you navigate this process.
8. Community Support
When you’re a military wife of any kind, the military community has your back. There are endless resources available to make your life easier and better, including but not limited to the following:
- On-Installation Military and Family Support Center
- Branch-Specific Family Readiness Groups
- Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program
- Military OneSource Concierge-like Support Services
Whether you have questions, need extra support, or are looking for things to do, you are not short of resources as an Army Wife.
9. Easy to Make Friends
It can be challenging to make friends as an adult and a spouse, but as a military wife, you automatically have something in common with a lot of other women out there. No matter where you are or where you’re based, it’s easy to make friends with other military wives and spouses.

At every base you and your spouse are stationed in, you have the unique opportunity to meet people going through exactly the same situation as you. While you do have frequent moves, you can end up making friends all over the country and even the world as an Army Wife.
10. You Can Stand Beside Your Hero
Army life is far from easy, and while standing beside your Army hero may not seem like a benefit every day, it’s such an honor to support those protecting our country. Members of the United States Army have committed their lives to serving this country, and being their number one supporter is a heroic role in itself.
While there are many trials and challenges of being an Army spouse, there is a lot to be said for how Army spouses are able to handle everything life throws at them with such strength and willpower. Thank you, Army wives, for standing by our country’s heroes. You are so appreciated!
More on Living the Military Life:
Solutions for Your Military Family:
Life Insurance, Wealth Management, Home Mortgages, Survivor Services, and more. Learn more about AAFMAA.