For this week’s Healthy Living Series, I wanted to talk about as inspiration for mental and spiritual well-being. Health and fitness start on the inside.  Take care of your mental and spiritual health self first on the road to optimal health. Using fitness as a way to find love for yourself is rarely effective. Focusing on inner health has helped me to be a model of self love to my children. Nurture your relationships with others by telling them how much you appreciate them and value them. That’s where ThankNest comes in! ThankNest is a unique way of praising the positive people and situations in your life. Learn about their ‘Praise in Public’ outlook and more posts about staying true to yourself to stay fit not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually at HippyFitMom.   How do you work toward better mental and spiritual health?  

Keep up with Amber on social media

Twitter: @hippyfitmom
  The thoughts and opinions posted here are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of AAFMAA.

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