Smart advice and expert insights can help improve
your military family’s financial outlook.
Is your money working
hard enough for you?
Family finances can often be a source of stress, especially for military families whose lives change more than the average civilian’s. SpouseLink’s Finance stories help provide information on topics ranging from avoiding debt to saving for college. Get the expert insights you need to help you become more confident in your money-related decisions.
AAFMAA Webinar: “2019 Mid-Year Market Review”
What’s going on in the financial markets? Join AAFMAA Wealth Management & Trust’s Arthur Lyons for a recap of the ups and downs from the first half of 2019 and a look at what’s headed our way. This webinar will air on August 8th at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST. Get the details on SpouseLink.
5 Back-to-School Resources and Deals for Military Families
Summer is far from over, but school bells will be ringing before you know it. There are some awesome military programs and discounts available that can make your back-to-school prep a whole lot easier. Get the details on SpouseLink.
AAFMAA Celebrates 140 Years of Serving Military Families
After 140 years, the American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association (AAFMAA) — creator of SpouseLink — is still going strong, helping MilFams around the world with their financial needs. Celebrate this momentous occasion with us.
AAFMAA Webinar: “Does My Credit Score Impact My Interest Rate?”
When you’re looking to purchase or refinance a home, your credit score might impact the final interest rate you’re able to obtain. Learn from our Military Mortgage Advisor, Dale Poe, who explains how important your credit score is when looking to finance your home. Get the details on this free AAFMAA webinar on SpouseLink.
Fourth of July Discounts for Your Military Family
Who’s ready for a little 4th of July fun? Thanks to some awesome companies and restaurants out there, your MilFam can squeeze in some extra celebrating without the extra cost. See how on SpouseLink.
AAFMAA Mortgage Services: How Your Credit Score Impacts Your Interest Rate
Do you know your credit score? And do you know how your credit score affects your purchasing power? Find out from AAFMAA Mortgage Services, on SpouseLink.
10 Great Memorial Day Deals for Your Military Family
There are deals aplenty this Memorial Day Weekend. So you don’t have to sift through the good and the bad, we’ve pulled together out 10 favorites for MilFams. Check them out on SpouseLink.
AAFMAA Webinar: Questions to Ask Your Real Estate Agent Before Buying a Home
The home-buying process is stressful, but one way to help make things easier is to ensure you and your real estate agent are on the same page. Join AAFMAA Mortgage Services LLC for their free webinar on what questions to ask your agent before you buy. Get the details on SpouseLink.
Kohl’s Now Offering Exclusive Discounts on “Military Monday”
As if you needed any more reason to go shopping, Kohl’s has an offer you really shouldn’t turn down. All 2019, MilFams can enjoy an exclusive 15% discount on Military Mondays thanks to their newly launched program.
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