As a Military Spouse, you’re never in one place for too long. While the fast-paced lifestyle certainly brings with it a lot of fun and adventure, it can also make it difficult to maintain a steady career. Having a flexible schedule and the ability to work remotely are...
Serving our country as a member of the Armed Forces is honorable, rewarding work. But for most, there comes a time when the military lifestyle just doesn’t quite suit you and your MilFam the way it used to. Whether it’s time to retire altogether or whether...
There’s no denying that Military Spouses are a capable bunch. To put it plainly, they get stuff done. But despite an unquestioned work ethic, Military Spouses aren’t always welcomed with open arms in the workforce. According to a 2017 report...
Finding a flexible and portable career is one of the greatest challenges to Military Spouse employment. Unpredictable servicemember work hours and long deployments place Military Spouses in a single parent role that often makes a traditional 9-to-5 job impossible....
Join Our Team! Texas Military Spouses, you’re invited for a chance to join us in Palm Springs, California — May 14-16, 2019, with an all-expense-paid trip to our 7th Annual SpouseLink Retreat. Get to know our current SpouseLink Ambassadors and other members of the...
“I want men and women to see success as a Coast Guardsmen and success as a parent,” Commandant Adm. Karl Schultz recently told reporters. Currently, that’s not necessarily the case. In an attempt to help retain female enlistees, the Coast Guard is...
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