Read Our Latest Stories
Celebrating Military Women Breaking Barriers
As a Veteran and military spouse, Amanda Huffman well knows the roles women have taken on in the military. She shares their experiences in honor of Women’s History Month.
Military Spouse, You Are a Leader
Military spouses take on leadership roles within their household and their communities. Seasoned MilSpouse Jaimi reflects on her experience and shares insights.
The Rise of Black Military Leaders
Black Americans have a long history of serving in the U.S. military, dating back to the Revolutionary War. Today, we’re celebrating the strength and heroism of Black military leaders.
Honoring the Women of Our Military on International Women’s Day
Original publish date: March 8, 2018 Did you know that March is Women’s History Month? It started back in March of 1981 with “Women’s History Week”. One week of celebration wasn’t enough, though, and in 1987, Congress officially designated March as Women’s History...
Lasting Romances: Military Couple Love Stories
Military romances can be hard with time spent apart, long hours, random schedules. But they can strengthen your relationship. Get inspired with these stories..
7 Businesses Owned by Black Military Spouses to Support in Black History Month
Show your support for black military spouse-owned businesses during Black History Month. Check out SpouseLink’s list of black entrepreneurs selling candles, clothing, hair color, and more!
Military Culture Is Changing. Is the Military Ready?
Gen Z doesn’t view the military, work or the world, like other generations. How are they embracing the idea of the military as a life and career? Take a look.
Money-Saving Tips for Your Spring Break Travel
Planning for spring break? Whatever you’re doing, wherever you’re going, there’s likely a military family discount to help you save money. See what’s available.
Handling Unexpected Medical Issues as a Military Family
As a parent, it’s hard to watch your kids suffer through an illness or medical issue. Amanda Huffman shares how she handled it in bad weather.
Meet Our Ambassadors
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Our Military Spouse Ambassadors are teammates stationed around the country. Learn more about them and see who may represent your area.