Read Our Latest Stories
Involving Kids in Military Life
Military kids live their own version of military life and deserve all the support they can get. Amanda Huffman shares how to help them understand the lifestyle.
5 Fun Vacation Ideas for Your Military Family
Planning a summer adventure? There’s so much to see and do with or without the kids, where will you go? Amanda Huffman shares tips to make your travel amazing.
4 Tips for Military Savings: Living on One Full-Time Income
Military life is filled with changing events. One constant to count on: Living on a single income requires a smart savings strategy that is ready for anything.
Remembering Those We Lost
Fallen servicemembers leave behind people affected by their sacrifice. Memorial Day is a time to share their stories, ensuring they’re not forgotten.
Preparing Your Military Family for a Trip Overseas
Got big plans for a big trip? First, get your travel documents and reservations in order. And research your destination! Get more tips from Amanda Huffman.
How to Help Military Kids When Their Parent Retires
Military kids are resilient, but as their parents, you do need to guide them through some of life’s changes, like your transition out of the military. See how
Celebrate Military Spouse Appreciation Day with SpouseLink and AAFMAA
SpouseLink and AAFMAA are celebrating our Military Spouse employees and teammates in May for Military Spouse Appreciation Month!
Was “Bluey” a Miss for Military Families
Did you catch Bluey’s episode about moving? What did you think about it as a military family? Amanda Huffman shares her review. Feel free to weigh in!
Best Decluttering Tips Before You Make a PCS Move
PCS moves mean hauling possessions from one place to the next. Make it easier on yourself by getting rid of what you no longer need. Amanda shares how to do it.
Meet Our Ambassadors
On Location
Our Military Spouse Ambassadors are teammates stationed around the country. Learn more about them and see who may represent your area.