Every mom is unique, and Mother’s Day is the perfect time to show your Military Mom how much you appreciate her individuality with a hand-crafted gift that perfectly complements her personality. We rounded up 10 DIY presents perfect for every mom out there, whether she’s the sentimental type or way ahead of the curve.

1. The Master Chef Mom

This mom chops, grates, and sautés with mesmerizing grace. Everything that comes out of her kitchen is cooked with love and delights your taste buds with a symphony of flavor. Gift this mom with a DIY herb garden to supply her with fresh ingredients in adorable décor. The 4.30 Show pots their herbs in teacups, but you can repurpose any type of containers, such as tea tins or jelly jars.

2. The All-Star Athlete Mom

She rises with the sun to get in her daily run and caps off the day with a stretching session. There isn’t a fitness trend she hasn’t heard of and no wardrobe possession more prized than her Nikes.

Whip up a pot of soothing muscle rub like this one from Grist to help keep this mom in tip-top shape.

3. The Tech-Savvy Mom

She’s the one you call when deciding if the latest phone update is really necessary. She understands the excitement of standing in line at the Apple store to get the newest product the day it launches and definitely has an opinion on what Internet browser is the best. Personalize this mom’s tech with DIY laptop décor featuring her favorite photos and quotes. This tutorial by Katherine Elizabeth shows you how.

4. The Pop Culture Enthusiast Mom

This mom creates her schedule around TV Guide. She has the release dates for upcoming albums on her calendar and saw every Oscar®-nominee its opening weekend.

A mix CD or personalized Spotify playlist featuring her favorite artists, movie soundtracks, and a few things she hasn’t heard before will keep her entertained between new releases.

5. The Gardening Goddess Mom

She smells of freshly picked flowers and newly laid mulch. Her backyard is a rainbow of seasonal plants and her kitchen overflows with homegrown produce.

P&G Everyday shows you how to spruce up her garden with DIY stepping stones that can be adorned with decorative items, handprints, and love messages to keep her smiling while she weeds.

6. The Executive Mom

This mom’s a go-getter. She’s always bouncing around from meeting to meeting, but never fails to make time to meet for lunch.

A personalized calendar that features her favorite family photos will keep her organized and inspired. You can create your own with Canva.

7. The Jet-Setter Mom

This mom swaps grocery lists for travel logs. She knows the airport like the back of her hand and always flies through security without a hitch.

Personalized luggage tags, such as these from My Sister’s Suitcase, will give this mom a sense of home wherever she goes. Decorate them with maps of her favorite cities, pages from travel books, or photos from family vacations.

8. The Bookworm Mom

Her ideal afternoon is spent curled up on the couch with a brand new story. She can’t pass by Barnes and Noble without ducking in and her home is filled with the heart-warming scent of paper and ink. Help this mom keep track of her must-read list and favorite quotes with a DIY journal these by DazzleDIY.

9. The Makeup Artist Mom

She’s your go-to manicurist. Every inch of her bathroom counter is covered with luxurious bath products and there isn’t a brand at Sephora she hasn’t tried. Gift this mom with a homemade body scrub more indulgent than anything you could buy at the store. Try this coconut lavender body scrub or replace the lavender with an oil of her favorite scent.

10. The “Home Is Where The Heart Is” Mom

Her phone is running out of space for all the pictures of friends and family she takes. She’s always inviting you over for dinner and likes to bring up those dreamy “remember when” moments from your childhood.

A set of mugs personalized with a special message will remind this mom how much she’s loved with every sip of her coffee. Gimme Some Oven shows you how to make your own.

More DIYs to Try:

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