On Valentine’s Day, romance means different things to different people. From longing for togetherness, to treating yourself to self-care, taking time out with your kids, to going out on a hot date with your partner. But what exactly will make the holiday feel right to...
If you’re not feeling like celebrating Valentine’s Day this month because your military servicemember is away, don’t let the holiday get you down. Sure, it’s traditionally meant to be spent with the one you love, but this year you can focus on...
No matter what Valentine’s Day means to you — romance, fun, or dread — as a military spouse, you know better than anyone else the difference spending quality time with friends and family members makes. So use the day to let them know how you feel. Treat your...
Want to make this Valentine’s Day the most romantic ever for your Military Spouse or S.O.? We’ve got some ideas to get you started, but the rest (of course!) is up to you. No craft skills? Terrible at cooking? No time to create something from scratch? No...
Will you be shopping for gifts and groceries for your Valentine? Even if you’re not with the one you love on Valentine’s Day, you can still create a delicious meal celebrating your love for each other, and enjoy it with friends and family. And we’re...
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