It seems like every week there’s a new podcast out there that we all just have to listen to. Everybody has a new favorite podcast. But sometimes, too many options can be a bad thing. Hello, analysis paralysis. So instead of you combing through the dozens of suggestions you’ve gotten, or rifling through the thousands of podcasts listed on Spotify and Apple Music, we’ve pulled together a list of our favorites. We cover all the bases so there’s got to be something in here you like. Trust us.

1. Something Educational: Stuff You Should Know

What exactly are MSG’s? How does sleepwalking work? Do we really need time zones?

Stuff You Should Know tackles a bunch of topics, but each episode has one thing in common. Every episode, they’re breaking down something you’ve probably wondered about quite a bit, but never took the time to actually learn. Dive into Stuff You Should Know and have all of your random lingering questions answered.

2. Something Thrilling: Carrier

Not everyone can stay entertained by the usual podcast formula: two people sitting at a desk talking for hours on end. That’s where podcasts like Carrier come in. Carrier is closer to a thrilling audiobook than it is to what we usually get from podcasts. But be warned, this is not for casual listeners. Carrier demands your full attention.

3. Something Supportive: Adulting

Let’s be honest. Being an adult is hard. That’s just the way it is. I know it. You know it. Michelle Buteau and Jordan Carlos, hosts of the Adulting podcast from NPR, know it, too. But at the end of the day, we’re all in this together. Adulting is a hilarious navigation through the all-too-common trials and tribulations that come with maturity. Finally, we get definitive answers to pressing questions like “Is It Okay to Eat Cereal Three Times a Day?” and “What Should I Name the Baby?”

4. Something Fun: Every Little Thing

Not every podcast has to tackle life’s biggest questions or documents the latest controversy. Some podcasts can just be fun. And Every Little Thing is fun. Sit down, put on some headphones, and learn a few fun tidbits about the little things in life you never knew could be so interesting.

5. Something Informative: Up First

Who has time to watch the news or read the paper anymore? Not you, that’s who. Luckily, Up First is here to keep you informed on everything that’s happening around the country and around the world. Get a quick snapshot of all the day’s important stories with just enough depth to keep you informed without diving into the weeds. It’s like the Cliff Notes of world news.

6. Something for Moms: Motherhood Sessions

We often think of moms as superheroes. And they are. But moms need help, too, and Dr. Alexandra Sacks knows it. Motherhood Sessions is an honest and unfiltered look at the struggles of motherhood in which Dr. Sacks allows us to listen in on “conversations that are hard to have outside of a therapist’s office.”

7. Something for MilSpouses: MilSpouse CoffeeHouse

MilSpouse CoffeeHouse describes itself as the “podcast where military spouses are free to espresso ourselves!” Coffee puns aside, this podcats is the perfect podcats for MilSpouses. It’s a podcast by MilSpouses, for MilSpouses, about MilSpouses (and MilFams, and MilLife, and Mileverything). Hosts Leslie and Britini know MilSpouse life because they live it every day. And with special guests coming through often, you never know who you’ll hear from on the CoffeeHouse.

8. Something Existential: On Being

What does it mean to be human? And how do we want to live?

Those are what On Being host Krista Trippett calls the “animating questions at the center of human life.” If you couldn’t tell, this podcast is pretty heavy and pretty heady. If you’re looking for answers, there’s a good chance Trippett can help you find them. At the very least, you’ll certainly look at life’s big questions a whole lot differently.

9. Something Different: The Moth

The Moth is a non-profit group based in New York City dedicated to the art of storytelling. They hold various live storytelling events featuring real-0life stories retold by some of the literary world’s greatest minds and personalities. For those of us not lucky enough to attend any of their events in person, The Moth’s similarly named podcast gives us a front-row seat.

10. Something Funny: The Mortified Podcast

What’s your most embarrassing moment? I bet someone’s got something worse. The Mortified Podcast brings to life all those childhood moments that, at the time, were nothing short of mortifying.

Now, we can’t help but laugh.

If you haven’t jumped on the podcast bandwagon yet, what’s taking you so long? They’re a great way to make the most of all the alone time that MilSpouses know too well.

More Things for MilSpouses to Do:

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