In her first book, Artis Henderson‘s Memoir shares her personal journey through love, loss and hope. Her life-long dream of becoming a writer has come true, but under much different circumstances than she could ever have expected.
Falling madly in love with a soldier, she joined the ranks of Military Spouses; befriending women in similar situations, always with a hint of hesitation. Feeling isolated when her husband was away, the love she felt for him overcame the stress of loneliness.
Artis continually reflects on Military terms that apply to her life throughout the book; including her official status, deemed by the U.S. Army for which she names the title of her memoir. Once her husband dies while deployed, she slowly begins to realize a renewed connection with her mother, herself, her husband and her future. Loss isn’t the end. Her perspectives on this thought express perseverance and hope.
Her story has become a hot topic, not only in the Military community, but throughout book clubs and literary enthusiasts around the country. Her use of imagery and painstakingly honest approach to sharing her story have attracted readers in the Military and those with no Military ties whatsoever.
This is a powerful book that is definitely worth reading. For more information, or to get a copy of your own, check it out on Amazon.
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