If you’re looking for a way to get fit and stay fit – here’s a great solution from the Strength Stack 52 team!

Many people put in a lot of work without the results they want. If you want to get in better shape, here’s a 4-minute routine that you’ll only need to complete 4-5 days each week. You can do all of the exercises at home without any equipment.

The secret?

Tabata interval training. Tabata is designed to produce fast results. Today, we want to share a 4-minute complete body workout to improve your endurance, tone muscle and burn fat. Twenty-second intervals of maximum intensity exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. With 8 20-second intevals, your high-intensity burn will only take 4 minutes and will yield better results than an hour of aerobics.

Tabata interval training can consist of a variety of exercises that must be compounded movements in order to activate muscle mass. Bodyweight exercises such as squats, sit-ups and push-ups, burpees, sprints and jumping jacks are all great exercises for this 4-minute blast. Mix and match your movements to get a full-body workout to reach your fitness goals.

 The 5-step Tabata Interval Workout

  • Step 1: Plan the Exercises
  • Step 2: Warm up
  • Step 3: Get a Clock
  • Step 4: Workout
  • Step 5: Cool down

Check out the step-by-step videos and more information about the 5-step workout.

 About the Author

This article was written by Kurt Boyd, fitness fanatic, and director of Strength Stack 52, a unique way to transform bodyweight exercises into fun, competitive workouts that can be performed anywhere.

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