We’re big fans of The Huffington Post and we’re excited by their new project The Moment I Knew. It’s a user-submitted video series where readers tell the stories of life-changing moments they have experienced. Each section of HuffPost has chosen a different theme — whether it was the moment you knew you wanted to marry your spouse, the moment you knew your marriage was over or the moment you knew you were broke. You can also tell us about any other life-defining moment you’d like to share. The possibilities are endless!
This would be an awesome place to submit a video that reveals the moment you knew you loved your Military Spouse or the moment you knew you were officially a Military Spouse. It’s super easy to contribute. You can create your video using YouTube or Vimeo and send the link/URL of the video to [email protected]. If you create your video using your laptop or mobile phone and have a video file, just attach the file in an email to [email protected]. Make sure to include your full name with your video submission. Each video should be 30 to 60 seconds long and should feature only you, speaking right into the camera telling your story. Start your story with the words “The moment I knew…”
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