It’s hard enough trying to get through to your kids without having to compete with their cell phones. Texting isn’t going anywhere, in fact, it’ll just get more advanced as time goes on. Our suggestion? Communicate with your teen on his/her level … learn to text.

Here is a list of basic texting acronyms often used when both teens and adults text. We’ve also included a list of acronyms to be aware of if they show up on your teen’s phone.

If you’re lucky, you’ll end up on When Parents Text.

143 I love you
459 I love you
AEAP As early as possible
ASAP As soon as possible
AWGTHTGTTA Are we going to have to go through this again?
CYR MA Call your mother
CYR PA Call your father
CYT or SYT See you tomorrow
DBL84DNR Don’t be late for dinner
Dnt b L8 Don’t be late
EM? Excuse me?
EOD End of discussion
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
GM Good morning
GR8 Great
GUDLUK Good luck
H&K Hugs and kisses
HAGN Have a good night
HAND Have a nice day
HF Have fun
ILU or ILY I love you
ILUL I love you lots
ISS I said so
JK Just kidding
JstCllMe Just call me
K Okay
KIT Keep in touch
L8 Late
LOL Laughing out loud
LMK Let me know
MU Miss you
PTB Please text back
RINGL8 Running late
ROTL Rolling on the floor laughing
RUOK? Are you OK?
SMH Shaking my head
THX Thanks
TTYL Talk to you later
WDYMBT What do you mean by that?
WFM Works for me
WTH What the heck
WYCM? Will you call me?
YW You’re welcome
: ) Smile
: ( Sad
; ) Wink
; D Big grin wink
: D Big grin
: P Sticking tongue out
: – * Kiss
: / Uncertain
: I Indifferent
:-S Smirk
: O Shocked
> : ( Angry
: – ? Confused
: ‘ ( Crying
: X My lips are sealed
O : ) Angelic

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