By Julie, The Healthy Home Cook
SpouseLink Guest Blogger

Dealing with deployment is hard. It’s a way of life that military spouses have accepted and live with every day. For those of us left behind, it can seem stressful, lonely and never ending. But, when you add pregnancy on top of it… Well, that is an entirely different ball game. To be honest, the only way to “survive” deployment as an expecting mom, is to just survive it.

Life as a military spouse is always changing. It is just a part of the game. But if you find yourself pregnant (or even giving birth) while your spouse is away, it’s important to remind yourself of these few tips:

Take Advantage of Resources: There are numerous resources available to military families. Take advantage of it! There is a New Parent Support Program, along with delivery classes, how to save for baby classes and other parenting materials. Check and see what your local base provides.

Use Your Support System: You’re an independent woman, I get it. I was just like you. But recently I realized that I could no longer run after a 1 year old for 24 hours a day, while I’m expecting another. I had to say enough is enough. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  If you have friends or family in the area, ask them to come over so you can take a nap or rest for a while.

Establish a Routine: Having a routine will make the time go by just a little bit faster. (Maybe not fast enough… but you get the point.) Find things to do, whether that is taking walks, visiting friends or joining a book club. Whatever makes you happy and stress free!

Keep Your Spouse Involved: As hard as this time may seem for you, it is just as hard for your spouse. He is missing the ultrasounds, appointments and feeling the baby kicking. All of those special little moments that you will never forget. Make sure you keep him involved as much as possible (even if it’s just to tell him how nauseous you are). Good communication is the key to surviving a pregnancy apart from your husband.

Timing is never perfect when you are in the military. Just know that you are blessed to have a baby coming into the world and lucky to have a brave daddy who serves his country. Stay strong, be positive and soon your little family will be back together, better than ever!

Once your servicemember does come home, make sure everything goes smoothly with Spouselink’s tips and ideas for Military homecomings.

healthy home cook bioAbout Julie

Hi, I’m Julie! The Healthy Home Cook is a blog where I get to share my love for nutritious foods, and advice for living a strong fulfilling life. Not all of my recipes are meat-free, but most are gluten and allergy friendly. My goal is to provide people with delicious, satisfying recipes that will help them embrace a healthier lifestyle.  I am a certified personal trainer, mom (and dog mom) and military wife.

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