You may work from home because your spouse or family relocates more often than an individual or family member working in a long-term location. You may decide to work from home to spend more time with your kids. Whatever the reason for deciding to work from home, it’s a professional style that’s on the rise. Working from home can be a lucrative business plan for multiple reasons: you have complete control of your product or service and what resources go into the business. More often than not, working from home can allow for a more flexible schedule with which you’re able to take care of other priorities at the same time.

Consider niche marketing

When starting a business, defining the target market is key to the success of business goals. Establish yourself as an expert in the field and set yourself apart in a magnetic way. Attract customers by offering something new or different.

If your family has just moved to Germany and your business involves embroidered products, you may want to market American designs with German language embroidery; or appeal to the American population in Germany with patriotic products. Get your name and product out there, and produce a quality brand, product or service that people will want to pass along to others.

Remember you’re running a business

Most businesses aren’t just a hobby that can be picked up on a whim and neglected for periods. Remember you’re running a business. Make a plan, dedicate yourself, prioritize responsibilities and enjoy yourself.

If you’re a professional blogger, you’ve got to provide regular posts. Meet the objectives of the project and make sure you’re happy with your work. If you’re not happy with your work, it will show in the results.

If you run a product-based business, be sure to ship packages as quickly as possible. You may also wish to add a personal touch like a note or postcard greeting in the package. This shows the customer that you’re ahead of the game and truly interested in their business. People are more willing to come back to a company that runs smoothly, and exhibits personal trust. A personal touch goes a long way.


As a small business, it’s important to advertise. Attend local craft fairs and ask to supply flyers around town where your business is located. These grassroots efforts may seem primitive, but they keep your costs low and spread the word quickly to locals.

If you run an online business, consider online advertising. Be proactive and positive about how great your business is, make others see that.

Work-from-home jobs are usually easy to transfer from place to place, so they are perfect for MilSpouses. Find something you enjoy and want to share with others. Whether you’re cooking, creating, marketing or starting another entrepreneurial venture, get creative and show off your amazing work.

Learn about military spouse-owned businesses on SpouseLink.



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