As many of you probably know, watching a parent leave for deployment is a tough time for kids.  But, there are some great creative ideas to keep your deployed spouse incorporated and involved in the daily life of your children.

The moms at Our Seven Dwarfs, prepared 2 affordable and simple projects for your kids to interact with both parents everyday!

Kisses Jar

What you’ll need

  • A clear container or jar
  • Ribbon
  • Sharpie pen or letter stickers
  • Hershey kisses

Once the final product is assembled (see the picture above), your child can have a kiss everyday from their deployed parent.

Special Moments Box

What you’ll need

  • Empty box and lid (such as a large shoe box or paper box)
  • Wrapping paper (plain colors work best)
  • Sharpie or letter stickers

Once the box is prepared as the photo above, your child can put special items inside that they want to share when their parent comes home.


How do you help your kids with a parent’s deployment?


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