A factsheet with the following information has been published on Health.mil – the official website of the Military Health System and the Defense Health Agency. We’d like to share this information with Military Families so that they may stay informed and stay safe:
The President and the Secretary of Defense have called upon the men and women of the US armed forces and other government personnel to provide critical support as a part of the international response to the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa. This fact sheet highlights the actions that are in place prior to, during, and after deployment in order to protect our service members, families, and communities.
- The safety of our people is one of our highest priorities. DoD is taking every precaution to ensure the health and welfare of all service members and their families.
- The Military Health System brings deep expertise in infectious disease and how to medically prepare our people for all contingencies. All deploying personnel will receive needed equipment, get the right training, and be closely monitored before, during, and after deployment.
- We are working closely with our federal partners on policies and communications, and our policies built upon CDC guidelines and are tailored to our mission needs.
Before DoD Personnel Deploy
- Everyone will receive needed training and the right equipment to perform their mission
- Everyone will go through pre-deployment medical screening to assure they are ready and prepared to deploy
- Throughout the deployment, all personnel will be monitored for exposure to Ebola two times per day for clinical symptoms (fever, nausea, etc.) and exposure risks
- Anyone with symptoms – or potential risks – will be evaluated immediately by medical personnel to decide whether to medically evacuate the individual or return them to duty
- Ten days before projected departure from the deployment locations, commanders on the ground may – based on their assessment of the unit exposure and established medical processes – place their unit in an isolated, controlled environment
- Prior to departure from deployment locations, medical personnel will interview and assess each DoD individual and either clear them for flight or retain them for further medical evaluation
- Everyone will me monitored for 21 days upon return from deployment (the Ebola virus is considered to have an incubation period of 2-21 days)
- Face-to-face interviews twice a day
- Temperature checks twice a day
Exposed Personnel
- Individuals who were removed from the theater due to elevated exposure risk will be quarantined and monitored for 21 days at a designated DoD facility
TDY or Leave
- No “out of area” leave or TDY for 21 days after returning home
- Emergency leave procedures will be handled on a case-by-case basis – and will require twice-daily monitoring for 21 days
Need more information? Go to www.health.mil/Ebola