Operation Purple Family Retreats were developed by the National Military Family Association specifically to help families reconnect after returning from a deployment. Each four-day retreat was designed to bring military families together to bond, make friends with families going through the same situations and to experience new things, all while enjoying a stress-free nature-focused environment.
These retreats are open to MilFams who have gone through a deployment within the last 15 months.
The program facilitates healing, relationship-building and fun camp-like activities. Go for a hike or take a canoe out for the afternoon. Attend an arts and crafts seminar or show off your campfire-building skills. Operation Purple also brings in FOCUS (Families Overcoming Under Stress) consultants to talk about the re-integration process, post-deployment.
Daycare facilities are available on-site, although not all retreat options are appropriate for young children.
For more information about upcoming family retreats and locations, and to get more information about the program, check out the Operation Purple FAQs.
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