Be creative

The possibilities are endless when it comes to developing your portable career. It’s untraditional. It’s versatile. There are so many ways to utilize your skills.

If you’re a fan of a more traditional career – living the MilSpouse life – consider looking for military friendly companies, large companies with widespread locations, or companies with telecommute or remote work opportunities.

If you’re looking for a more entrepreneurial venture, then start brainstorming ways you’d like to begin earning with one simple question: “How can I monetize my hobbies?” This will get your thought process started; thinking of ways to create the career of your dreams by doing what you love. In-home daycare, creating jewelry for your Etsy shop, or even baking cakes for weddings and birthdays.

Keep an open mind

If you can’t find your dream portable work opportunity from the start, keep an open mind. You might have to work your way up to your dream position. It may take time to build your business up to yield your dream results. Until you’ve built up your customer-base or experience needed to land your ideal telecommute role, you might have to take on roles that aren’t your dream job.

Be patient and look at these initial roles as an opportunity to build up new skills and sharpen your existing skills. There’s always room for growth, and you never know who you’ll meet along the way.

Be aggressive

Take advantage of the network of contacts you’ve built up. Always be on the lookout for new opportunities, and people who have been successful who live a similar lifestyle. Inspiration is everywhere.

Don’t get discouraged if you can’t land or create your dream career in the first few years. It takes time and there are hurdles all over. Don’t let those stop you from chasing your dreams. Get out there and make them happen!

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