“What a fantastic compliment from the military community, calling attention to all your hard work and dedication to a very worthy cause involving mental and behavioral health.”

It’s reactions like the one above from Spouselink.org that make the work I do so rewarding. Can you imagine how excited I was when shortly after learning that I was a nominee for the 2014 Military Spouse of the Year award that Spouselink asked me to share a little bit about my mission, my work, and myself? Pinch me now is all I can say!

But before I get into answering their questions I first have to say that to be recognized with spouses who are some of my most admired peers is such an honor for me. And no matter what the outcome of the voting process, the ability to learn more about the amazing work each of these people are doing and having the opportunity to heighten awareness about all the issues facing our community is what it’s all about isn’t it! I’m so excited to be on this journey and welcome any questions you have about what I do or how I can support you in the upcoming months! So on to the Q & A!

What issues are most important within the military & military spouse community?

There are many issues that military families are dealing with today, but the one I am most concerned about our military dependents and their inability to get access to the care they need.

Whether it is one of the many college age dependents living away from home or a family stationed away from a military installation too often the availability of tri-care approved facilities is non-existent. Sadly the lack of support services available is inadequate and not easily accessed.

Issues such as limited and non-existent tri-care doctors/facilities, lack of emotional support on our college campuses and the compounded behavioral/mental health effects of years at war continue to put our children at risk. It is my goal to be the voice that puts an end to their suffering and change a system that isn’t meeting the needs of our families. There are many issues that military families are dealing with today, but the one I am most passionate about concerns our military dependents and their ability to get access to the care they need.

Did you know that many college age military dependents live on campus’ where there are no tri-care approved facilities? Sadly the lack of support services available to them especially when they are many miles from home is inadequate and often inaccessible. Issues such as limited and non-existent tri-care doctors/facilities, lack of emotional support on our college campuses and the residual effects of years at war continue to put our children at risk and it is my goal to be the voice that puts an end to their suffering. There are many issues that military families are dealing with today, but the one I am most passionate about concerns our military dependents and their ability to get access to the care they need.

What do you love about being a military family?

Being a military family offers many opportunities that I never expected. Not only do we get to meet new people and visit places we may never have experienced before, but we get to serve our country and give back to our community.  Being in the military has also helped us grow closer because we have had to work together to get through the tough times without the close support of family and friends.

What do you love about being a military spouse?

Personally I have grown so much as a military spouse and as an individual. I have learned new skills and become a stronger person by learning to deal with the constant change challenges that this lifestyle brings with it.

What and how would you want to accomplish with the MSOY title?

Becoming this year’s winner would not only be an honor, but it would provide me the opportunity to support the military community in an even bigger way! My goal is simple: Do whatever it takes to insure that EVERY dependent has access to the care and treatment and information they need  to live a healthy and rewarding life.

Do whatever it takes to insure that EVERY military dependent has access to the care, treatment and information they need to live a healthy and rewarding life.

I will work to advocate for the military families who sacrifice so much for our country focusing on helping our military dependents particularly in the areas of behavioral and mental health issues.

I’m looking forward to making my goals a reality and would love your support in the upcoming voting process. Click here to show your support to my platform.

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