If you have ever stepped into a gym, most like you’ve used the old school method of 3 sets with 10 reps to try and build muscle.  Then, 90% of you won’t return after a month because you don’t see any gains. Of course not! Think about what you’re doing. In order for a muscle to increase in size you have to first break it down. You’re not going to accomplish that will 3 measly sets of a weight you can lift 10 times.

If you really want to build muscle, try the method fitness coach Chad Waterbury advocates in his book Huge in a Hurry. At first I was skeptical to try this method I am about to describe, but now I am a true believer.

If you want to accelerate your muscle growth, try this method. First pick an exercise you want to do, then find a weight that you can lift 6 times. This step is often the cause of mistakes. Most bodybuilders at this point will pick a weight they can lift 10 times and use this as the weight they can lift 6 times. I want you to truly pick a weight that you can lift only 6 times, and you should be struggling on that sixth rep. Once you have determined that weight, your first set is to lift it 6 times. Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat with that same weight for your second set. Don’t worry; you probably won’t lift that weight 6 times your second set, in fact, if you do, you didn’t choose a heavy enough weight. Continue to bang out sets with that same weight until you reach a total of 30 reps.

You should do only one exercise per muscle group and don’t over-train. This doesn’t have to be your whole workout, but after you complete 30 reps, try not to do any more exercises with that muscle group for a few days.


About the Author

Sergeant Michael Volkin is the inventor of Strength Stack 52 fitness cards. Now available in Australia.

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