It’s a tough project, figuring out how much life insurance you and your spouse actually need to support your family. Sure, SGLI helps, but most Military Families will need more than SGLI will provide. Many MilFams already supplement SGLI with an additional life insurance policy.
Although it’s not a happy-go-lucky topic, death is something that every single person on the planet will encounter. Wouldn’t you rather leave your loved ones as financially sound as possible once you’re gone?
You’ll have to take into account all sorts of expenses for yourself and loved ones. To help you out, AAFMAA has developed a tool that will guide you thorough the planning of such expenses, for free! The life insurance needs calculator is a great way to estimate your needs. If you have any questions, or want to further explore your life insurance options with AAFMAA, be sure to reach out to an AAFMAA Membership Coordinator toll-free at 1-877-398-2263, or via email [email protected] to help you move forward.