Paper Bag Puppets
These simple puppets are made from paper lunch bags. Click here to get pattern cut-outs for a raccoon, dog, cat, rabbit, mouse, pig, panda, or frog and assembly directions. Supplies:- paper bags (available at most dollar stores)
- scraps of construction paper
- glue
- scissors
- markers or crayons
- optional: googly eyes, pipe cleaners (for whiskers)
Paint Your Own Butterfly
Supplies:- clothes pin (popsicle stick or drinking straw will also work)
- coffee filter (or paper towel)
- pompoms, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners
- glue
- paint brushes
- water color paints
- glass of water to rinse paints
- glue googly eyes and a small piece of pipe cleaner onto a pompom.
- glue pipe cleaner antennae onto the back of the pompom.
- glue the completed pompom head onto the top of a clothes pin.
- glue the coffee filter to the clothes pin (be sure the filter is folded to look like wings).
- paint and enjoy!
Popsicle Stick Airplane
Supplies (per airplane):- 1 clothes pin
- 5 popsicle sticks
- arts and crafts gems and jewels (and any other decorations your kids like)
- paints
- brushes
- glue
- glue 2 popsicle sticks to the top of the clothes pin, and 2 to the bottom, so that they look like the wings of a plane (refer to video).
- break a popsicle stick in half and glue one half to the end of the clothes pin, so that it looks like the horizontal tail wing of a plane.
- paint and decorate your plane!
Pipe Cleaner Bracelet
Supplies:- pipe cleaners
- beads
- slide beads onto a pipe cleaner
- wear and enjoy!
What are some crafts your kids enjoy?