Since Father’s Day is less than a week away, we’ve found another great gift idea for the kiddos to give to dad. Playful Learning posted a budget-friendly, fun and original idea allowing kids of all ages to write out how much they love and appreciate their dad. It’s perfect to give him in person or to include in a care package.

What you’ll need

How it’s done

  1. Cut the colorful paper into small pieces. Using markers, have the kids write notes to their dad. They can write about memories, activities, characteristics about their dad, things they’re thankful for and anything else that comes to mind.
  2. Design the outside of the jar by cutting out hand drawn letters and small pictures the kids have drawn. Glue them onto the jar with Mod Podge. Once they have had a chance to dry, add a thin layer of Mod Podge over the letters and drawings.
  3. Give the jar time to dry, fold and put the pieces of paper inside and you’re ready to celebrate dad!


Does your family have Father’s Day plans or traditions?

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