Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a serious battle injury we wanted to know more about, so we found Dr. Nicholas Lind, Co-Owner of Post Traumatic Resources (Columbia, SC). In this multi-part series, Dr. Lind defines PTSD, explains the symptoms, shares how and when to seek help, and offers insight into living with someone who struggles with PTS symptoms. This first video offers a thorough explanation of what causes PTSD and how it may affect our families.
Check out more videos about PTSD and how you, the spouse, should approach this invisible injury.
Macho Spouse is an educational video series and online resource for male Military Spouses. Our mission is to help male spouses connect with one another and assure that we’re not alone in this Military family lifestyle. Check us out on Twitter and Facebook.The thoughts and opinions posted here are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of AAFMAA.
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