By: Alison Wood

Pint-sized Treasures

Dates for new moms and dads seem to be almost extinct! It doesn’t have to be. Just get creative, thoughtful and romantic. Money tight right now? No worries. These ideas are cheap, cheap!

Being a new mom or dad doesn’t mean you have to give up your intimate, romantic relationship. It also doesn’t mean life has to become boring and mundane! Yes, before the munchkin arrived it was so easy to run out and grab a yogurt or coffee with your spouse. Just because it is more difficult now, doesn’t mean it is impossible. Some of these dates do not even require a baby-sitter. Just make sure your little one is sound asleep before you start the creative memory-making!

If you’re a new mom it is hard to think about anything besides breast-feeding, diaper changes, sleep and spit-up. However, you and your hubby would greatly benefit from planning some time just for the two of you. Don’t feel guilty or selfish about spending extra time with your spouse. Your baby will thank you later when he sees your love and affection for one another. Your strong and loving marriage will provide security to his little world.

7 Cheap and Creative Date Ideas

Hot cocoa date

My hubby and I were home with our four munchkins. No baby-sitter or money was in sight — but I was craving some one-on-one time with my spouse. So, I did something out of the ordinary for us. I went into the kitchen and whipped up some hot cocoa and told my hubby we were having a “hot cocoa” date. I squeezed into the living room chair with him and we watched the evening news together. Nothing fancy, but it was fun, cheap and we were spending time together. Want to make this idea a little bit more fun? Try adding special flavors like caramel, mint, raspberry or English toffee —- and of course, marshmallows!

Mexican picnic

This takes a little bit of prep and planning. Choose your favorite Mexican dishes. Not just one, but several. Make one serving of each dish and you and your hubby can taste-test and share the yummies. Some ideas to try are chimichangaschicken nachosburritos, fish tacos, fajitas and or course, re-fried bean and Mexican rice. Finish off with some fried ice cream. To add some whimsy to your date, purchase a few large sombreros–or you could just wear silly hats and pretend they are sombreros. Throw a blanket on your living room or bedroom floor and start your picnic. Try to only communicate in Spanish for the first 30 minutes of your date. Any silly accents are welcome!

Bike ride

Weather permitting, try going on a bike ride together. Breathing fresh air and enjoying beautiful scenery adds relaxation and peace to your relationship. If your relationship is under a lot of stress right now, a bike ride may be the refreshing change you both need.

Fun photo-shoot

When you’re a new mom or dad, you often take pics of the new bambino and very rarely have any tangible evidence that you and your spouse are still together! Have fun and grab lots of props and plan for some photo opps in different rooms of your house. You can have silly, romantic or just everyday pictures. It’s a lot cheaper than getting a professional portrait done as well as a lot of fun!

Play the Tourist! 

Not a lot of money laying around to travel? Ask the grandparents to baby-sit for one night and hit all the tourist places in town! Check out museums, historical sites and other fun touristy areas. Take lots of pictures — just like a tourist!

Walk down memory lane

Try to re-enact your first date, first anniversary or the day you were engaged. Visit the same places, wear similar clothing, eat the same food and anything else you can remember from that special moment in time. The butterflies will start fluttering again as you reminiscence this amazing experience together.

Spa night

Think herbal bath with flower petals, white robes, comfy slippers and massages. Don’t forget to light some candles to give a calm, relaxing ambiance to your less-than quiet, typical days as a busy mom and dad. Finish off with some sparkling grape or apple cider!


What date ideas keep you and your hubby close after a new baby or even when you have several small children running around the house?


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