Pounding the Pavement for Your Military Spouse Career

Pounding the Pavement for Your Military Spouse Career

We were talking with one of our good Military Spouse friends the other day and she told us how she started her career. Here’s how her story went: Starting a career when you have to move every 2-3 years can be challenging. Then take into account the economy,...

From Boots to Suits: Translating a Vet’s Resume

One of the biggest roadblocks to service men and women finding jobs is translating their Military lingo into an understandable resume. Check out this CNNMoney video for tips and tricks to translate Military skills to the civilian workplace.

Inspiration: Volunteering for Good

Volunteering fulfills a wide range of needs within us, from balancing out our life, to teaching our children, or kick-starting our career. For example, if you’re trying to start a career or ramp it back up, volunteering may be a good starting point....

Military Spouse Employment Partnership

We definitely recommend checking out The Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP). It’s a targeted recruitment and employment solution for Spouses and companies that: Partners Fortune 500 Plus companies with ALL Military Services Provides human resource...

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