This Valentine’s inspired craft is the perfect budget-friendly gift allowing you to get creative and bring some variety to your next date night (or Valentine’s Day).

The Date Night Jar Step-by-Step

The day before your next date (or Valentine’s Day), randomly select a popsicle stick from the date night jar to determine your next date night festivities.

What you will need:

  1. Mason Jar
  2. Ribbon of your choice
  3. Popsicle sticks
  4. Stickers (at least 3 different colors)
  5. Hole punch
  6. Scissors
  7. Index card (or small piece of paper)


Use differently colored stickers to identify which date you are choosing.

(Include these classifications on the outer label of the jar.)

Write date ideas onto popsicle stick with corresponding colors:

Pink- At-home date


  • Chinese Takeout & movie
  • Pizza & board games
  • Beer & football games
  • T.V. series marathon
  • Breakfast for Dinner
  • Nachos & Video games

Red- more money, more planning


  • Hotel for the night w/ room service
  • Stay at a Bed & Breakfast
  • Dinner reservations a fancy restaurant
  • Couples massage
  • Weekend away/ Night away
  • Concert
  • Water Park/Theme Park

Orange- less money, no planning


  • Dinner & movie
  • Dessert only date
  • Bowling
  • Mini golf
  • Coffee & Pastry date
  • Mexican night
  • Wine/Brewery tour


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