Read Our Latest Stories
Navigating the Seasons of MilSpouse Life
Throughout military life, you face many challenges. Some get easier over time, some make you stronger. All have a lasting effect. See how Jaimi handled them.
Savoring a Slower Summer Vacation with the Kids
Time flies. So take your time when you can. Summer is a perfect opportunity to take the days a little slower and make each moment count with your military family.
5 Ways to Stay Busy Over the Summer Holiday Without Leaving Your Duty Station
You don’t have to leave home to have summer fun summer. Amanda Huffman offers seasonal inspiration for your military family to enjoy near your duty station.
Transitioning Military Kids from Elementary to Middle School
Your military kids may know what it’s like to switch schools, but it can be even more challenging as they get older & friends shift. Amanda Huffman offers tips.
The Constant Temporary Cycle of Military Spouse Life
Come. Stay. Go. Repeat. Such is military life, navigating new locations and friendships. It’s an endless cycle of change. But there are ways to make it through.
6 Things to Do When You Move to a New Duty Station
Do you combine your spring cleaning with your PCS move? That tactic can work, since you’re working against a deadline. Jaimi Erickson shares 6 cleaning tips.
How Military Spouses Embrace Their Independence
Military spouses show how independent they are when they don’t let barriers placed on them by being married to a servicemember deter them. See how it’s done.
Getting Help for PTSD
Some people experience PTSD after an event that caused or threatened harm or death. There is no shame in this mental health challenge. Discover ways to cope.
Finding Joy as a Military Spouse When Your Servicemember Isn’t Done with Military Life, But You Are
Nearing the time your family will retire from the military? Whether or not you’re ready for the change, it’ll come. Jaimi Erickson shares her experience.
Meet Our Ambassadors
On Location
Our Military Spouse Ambassadors are teammates stationed around the country. Learn more about them and see who may represent your area.