By: Melissa Dean

There are plenty of business ideas for women, which are consistent with our special skills and capabilities. Men in business are driven by their sense of achievement. They are very goal-oriented and aim to succeed. With women, it is a little more complex as we put our hearts in what we do. Here are some nice ideas for female entrepreneurs.

Women as Virtual Assistants

Contrary to popular belief, there are many business niches perfectly suitable for women. One is the profession of virtual assistant. You may think the competition is too severe, but that is not the case. All you need to do is find a target market. If you like working with fiction authors and read fiction, you could offer online assistance for such writers.

Getting Paid to Shop

Your passion for shopping may be more than just a passion. Do you enjoy rummaging through the Salvation Army or Goodwill store in the neighborhood? Start looking for good vintage pieces, remodel them a little, and begin to sell them online. What could be better than getting paid to shop?

Ghostwriting Services

Do not underestimate good ghostwriting and copywriting services. If you like writing in a particular style, you could very well fit in the niche of ghostwriting services. There are plenty of copywriters on the Internet, but you can still make good money if you specialize in a given segment. If you are passionate about children, for example, you could start working as a writer for a company that sells kids’ toys and other kids’ things. Or you could set up your own.

Internet-based Research

The Internet is a nightmare for some people because of the information overload. Others simply do not have time to surf the Web for quality information. If you are good with the Internet and love processing information, you could set up an online business that does Internet-based research for its clients.

Starting a Graphic Design Company

Another niche women could find success in is graphic design. Again, you must find a target audience. If you have an interest in fashion and design skills, you could start an Internet-based graphic design company targeting fashion designers. Web design is a similar option.

Life Coaching

Life coaches are becoming more and more popular. If you are a good matchmaker, you can become a dating coach. If you are the reliable and punctual type, then you would make a great efficiency coach. You’d feel great teaching others how to get work done.

Selling Online

Selling online is another option. If you are passionate about a given class of products, such as fitness paraphernalia, you will have great success. There is plenty of money to be made.

A lot of us have a fascination with custom-made jewelry, but very few know how to make it. If you are among the select few, you could open an online custom jewelry store. Online beading stores are a variation of this.

If you have the power to transform a face with your makeup skills, why not share them? You can even sell your own makeup. This is a newly developing and very interesting niche.

Finally, a great one for risk-takers – do you have a favorite thing that you would love to sell? For example, you could open an online sandal shop. You could make the shoes yourself or resell them. This is risky though, because it is a very restricted niche.

Learn about military spouse-owned businesses on SpouseLink.


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