By Jaimi EricksonContributing Writer The rush to sign up for summer camps is in full swing! This summer, my family is moving to our forever location, but first… we are living in our RV. My focus is to enjoy slower days that we spend together because I know this season...
By Jaimi EricksonContributing Writer The hardest part of military spouse life is that all our relationships are temporary. What all military spouses have in common is that our normal is a constant state of change. We move all the time: The military moves our families...
By Amanda HuffmanContributing Writer June is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month. An anxiety disorder that many people develop after seeing or living through an event that caused or threatened serious harm or death, many Veterans struggle with PTSD...
By Amanda HuffmanContributing Writer When people think of summer, they often think of summer vacations — leaving home and traveling somewhere new. But unlike most people, many military families do not live in their hometown, so a summer vacation can mean staying put...
By Jaimi EricksonContributing Writer Do you push off your spring cleaning to right up until the time you are due to PCS? I try to schedule my deep cleaning closer to our move timeline. But since the items on our PCS checklist overlap with a good household deep clean,...
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