Whether you’ve had a stressful week at work or you’re looking for something fun to do on a weekend, try a homemade spa day with friends. This is the perfect answer for a rainy day!
Relax and refresh with some of your favorite ladies by hosting a get-together with DIY pampering products, many of which you probably already have around the house.
Before your guests arrive, prepare some of your favorite rainy day movies, pick up margarita ingredients and whip up these quick supplies:
Sugar Hand & Body Scrub
1 cup cane sugar
1/2 cup olive oil
Mix until a thick paste forms.
This recipe is great if you want to do manicures with the gals. Use this scrub on your hands before creating dramatic nails. Your hands will be super soft and ready for the new week ahead. If you have leftover scrub once your gathering has left for the day, this scrub works great as a body scrub. Get ready for super smooth skin!
Baking Soda Face Scrub
3 tbsp. baking soda
1-2 tbsp. water
Mix into a paste and apply gently to face.
This is a great option if you’re planning to rock face masks with the gals. Get all of the dirt and oil out of your pores so that the mask can be as effective as possible.
Your face will feel amazing once you’ve scrubbed and washed off the mask. Be sure to put plenty of face lotion on afterwards.
With a revived face, refreshed hands and bright nails, lay back and enjoy a movie marathon with a drink and some comfort food! Pizza anyone?
Share your thoughts with us; what are some other fun spa day ideas?
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