By Mindy Johnson
Guest Blogger
I am an ex-military spouse and I know what it is like to move from place to place and have a hard time finding work. It’s even harder if you have children and would like to work from home.
I left my career in order to support the “military member,” and even now, back in the States, I am having a hard time reclaiming my own career.
In my own search for work, I came across the Academy of Medical Professions. I saw what a great opportunity it would be for so many spouses, and now I am doing part-time work with them, in the hope of giving military spouses an empowering work option….. that you can take with you when you move!
Most of the classes are online, so you can study at home. And military spouses can use “Spouse Tuition” to pay for the classes. The two most popular classes are Medical Coding and Medical Transcription, both of which are jobs you can do from home once you are certified. And, depending on who you work for, you may be able to take the work with you when you move. Another popular class is Pharmacy Tech. The classes are online, and the work could be in a pharmacy, hospital, or even the base medical facility.
The school is not a job bank, but they are wonderful about guiding you to the best places to find these medically related jobs.
This is such a great opportunity for spouses. I wish I had known about it earlier on. The website is and my contact is if I can answer any questions.
Be sure to check it out!
The thoughts and opinions posted here are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of AAFMAA.