Earlier this month, Katie Francis, a 12-year-old Oklahoma native broke the world record for Girl Scout cookie sales. She sold over 21,000 boxes of cookies over the past year.
As an entrepreneurial program for girls, teaching lessons about accountability, responsibility and organization, Katie has taken cookie sales to the next level, trying different sales approaches to close each deal.
Katie sets big goals and puts in the time to accomplish her plan! Each year, she develops a growth plan in order to strategize ways in which she can sell more than the previous years. She has found ways to appeal to her customers by performing for them, developing her own sales line, and tracks the effectiveness of her sales from location to location.
She’s learned from the best, tracking down the woman who set the record during the 1980s, Elizabeth Brinton.
Katie’s careful planning, organization and strategy have helped her reach her goal.
Even though she’s only in 6th grade, everyone with a big goal or entrepreneurial dream can learn something from this smart little lady!
Are you an entrepreneur? What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned?
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