Sometimes, it’s interesting to just sit back and take a retrospective look at all that’s happened in history this week; events that have shaped our lives as we know them! From events that have molded the U.S. education system to those that have revolutionized modern warfare and pop culture; a lot has gone on this week in history.


The first public school opened in the United States when the community of Dorchester, Mass. decided to fund a school with local taxes.


The Homestead Act was signed into law by Abraham Lincoln to encourage settlement of the West.


Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis received the patent to produce blue jeans. Little did they know they would be revolutionizing fashion around the country….and the world!


Thomas Edison declared that Americans will continue to prefer silent movies over talkies. Welp, he may not have been great at predicting the future, but he sure did master the light bulb, thankfully! 


The American Red Cross was founded to provide emergency assistance, disaster relief and education throughout the U.S.


Amelia Earhart left Newfoundland as 1st woman fly solo across Atlantic. One big step for aviation, one giant leap for female driven accomplishments! You go girl!


The Battle for Hamburger Hill ended in Vietnam. The casualties were high, and heavily covered by the press. The necessity of the battle was questioned by congress and the public, bringing about a great deal of controversy in the U.S.

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