Not all financial advice is created equal, and military families have especially unique needs. That’s why it’s essential to hire the right financial advisor for you and your family. But, where do you even start? How do you know if a financial advisor is the right fit?

AAFMAA Wealth Management and Trust LLC (AWM&T) outlines five areas that you should look at when trusting a financial advisor with your financial future:

  1. Find out if they are legally required to always put your best interests above their own.
  2. Consider their payment structure.
  3. Decide how much financial planning help you need.
  4. Ask if they offer an introductory session for free.
  5. Read the fine print!

Keep reading to learn more about each of these five areas and find out what specific questions you should ask before signing.

Other Financial Considerations For Your MilFam:

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