Remember being a kid? Life seemed so easy. Hours took days (sometimes weeks!) to pass. Every activity you participated in was clear and obvious for the time of year:

  • Spending summer at the pool, riding your bike around the neighborhood, taking a family vacation.
  • Going back to school in the fall and coming up with a costume for Halloween.
  • Looking forward to winter break to celebrate the holidays, go sledding and build a snowman.
  • Splashing in rain puddles in the spring, looking forward to the end of the school year, and signing yearbooks.

Now fast forward to adulthood with SpouseLink guest blogger Vicki DeLuzio to explore the amazing weirdness of it all. Read her story below.

By Vicki DeLuzio

When I was a kid, I had many thoughts about adults and how they did weird things. I remember a lot of these things vividly!

7 things kids think are “weird” about adults:

1. At a party, adults just want to sit! Why don’t they want to run around? I mean, sitting is booooring, especially when there are tons of fun things to explore, roll on, run across, jump into. I mean, why would you want to sit and talk when you could do something more interesting?

2. Worrying about paying the bills. What bills? What do you possibly have to pay for other than groceries? We aren’t buying tons of stuff. Where is this stuff that you are paying for?

3. Saying that we aren’t the electric company. Well, who is “The Electric Company”, other than the show on PBS (total throwback, 1980’s kids)? What does the electric company have anything to do with lights?

4. Going for a drive to see old things. I remember my dad taking the long way back from a store to “see what had changed” and they would talk about people I didn’t know and things I had no idea about. The long, scenic route was always keeping me away from my toys and TV.

5. Holidays, weekends and sick days don’t exclude you from your to do list. Why are there always all these chores? Why can’t we just play (see #1).

6. Going in the pool — Why would you want to sit on the side of the pool or just dunk your feet in when you could go crazy and splash around? And handstands — c’mon! The pool water Is never too cold!

7. Amusement Parks — Just dare me to go on every single roller coaster and crazy thing that goes upside down! How can you feel sick in one of those rides? No way, you are just scared!

Now that I am an adult and have kids of my own, I totally understand what all the other parents were doing (or why they weren’t doing something!).

It is pure and utter exhaustion!

Vicki DeLuzio

About Vicki DeLuzio

Vicki is a mom of three kids. After graduating college in Connecticut with a major in Psychology and minors in Early Childhood Education and Communication, she tried her hand at retail management at Target. Then, while working at the Juvenile Court, she met her web designing (and Army Vet) husband through mutual friends. Wanting a change of pace, cheaper taxes and warmer temperatures, they sold their home and relocated across the country in Surprise, Arizona. Vicki now blogs about all the places they go with reviews about the amenities in Surprise. She is also a licensed Real Estate Agent and loves helping people find homes in the area.

Fun (and “Fun”) with the Kids:

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