In the new year, focus on the positive! Make goals that make you happy. One great way to start off your new goals for the new year in style is to do something for yourself. If fitness and healthy living are included in your 2015 goals, be sure to check out the Blogilates 30-day Flat Abs Challenge! Ok, so we’re a few day’s late for the Jan. 1 start date; but better late than never, right?! All you’ll have to do is a combination of 5 moves, all laid out on the handy, printable calendar! And don’t forget to drink lots of water to reduce bloating and to keep your body running at 100%. Check out the video above to learn more about the fitness challenge. Let us know what other 2015 resolutions and goals you’ve made! We’d love to hear more 🙂
In the new year, focus on the positive! Make goals that make you happy. One great way to start off your new goals for the new year in style is to do something for yourself. If fitness and healthy living are included in your 2015 goals, be sure to check out the Blogilates 30-day Flat Abs Challenge! Ok, so we’re a few day’s late for the Jan. 1 start date; but better late than never, right?! All you’ll have to do is a combination of 5 moves, all laid out on the handy, printable calendar! And don’t forget to drink lots of water to reduce bloating and to keep your body running at 100%. Check out the video above to learn more about the fitness challenge. Let us know what other 2015 resolutions and goals you’ve made! We’d love to hear more 🙂